Who are we?
is a Saas-based software application designed to provide information on the
third parties with whom a company has a relationship. The tool is designed to meet
legal obligations: assessment of the third party's integrity (Sapin 2), maturity of the
third party's control of its supply and subcontracting chains (duty of care), existence of
sanctions taken against the third party, verification of the conformity of URSSAF
certificates provided by the third party as part of the duty of care.
The third-party assessment is carried out by means of an online questionnaire,
digitalizing the company's third-party assessment policy.
offers API access to open sources: asset freeze register, data on French
companies provided by INPI.
The three main objectives of the software

Gather information on the third party through secure self-assessment questionnaires and database screening.

Facilitate and document the decision to validate or reject the third party by the parties involved in the assessment: operational staff, compliance officers, management.

Centralize - in a single space - all the information required for third-party assessment, to facilitate auditing of the third-party assessment procedure.
How it works
Managing information and decision-making
The compliance officer has a dashboard of all the company's current assessments.
Facilitate third-party responses
Questionnaires are adapted to the legal nature of the third party: legal entities or individuals, associations or foundations.
Eval’Tiers in a nutshell :
Customers from SMEs (500 employees) to large corporations (60,000 employees)
Tool interfaces usable in 8 languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Korean, Mandarin.
Questionnaires delivered by default and modifiable.
Integration into your information systems via API.
They trust us
Assessing third parties (suppliers, service providers, customers, etc.) prior to entering into a relationship, and on a regular basis during the course of the relationship, enables us to identify the risks (financial, integrity, ESG) linked to their person or environment, which could have a negative impact on your company.
With this in mind, a third-party assessment enables you to gather information about the third party and decide whether or not to validate your future relationship with them.
In addition to being an important part of a company's overall risk management, the assessment of third parties is an obligation imposed by various national and international laws.
On the one hand, it is an obligation imposed by article 17, II, 4° of the Sapin 2 law for the prevention of corruption risks, and is also present in the UK bribery act and the US DOJ guidelines for the evaluation of anti-corruption compliance programs for the application of the FCPA. LCB-FT regulations also require the implementation of customer assessment practices (KYC). Finally, the identification of international sanctions and export restrictions on dual-use goods is a major issue for companies operating internationally.
Legal requirements concerning the assessment of third parties favor a risk-based approach. This means that third parties presenting the greatest risks, as identified by your risk mapping, should be assessed. The depth of the assessment may be determined by the assessment of the risks associated with the third party.
Third-party evaluation can be carried out by directly requesting information via a questionnaire, or by querying databases accessible via open data or supplied by service providers. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and you need to be able to use both, which is what Eval'tiers offers. Querying databases ensures that third parties are not sanctioned, but involves the sometimes tedious task of managing false positives. Questionnaires provide up-to-date information, but are self-declaratory.
Initially designed to identify the risks of breaches of probity in your relations with third parties, Eval'tiers has been developed to meet various legal obligations, including the obligation of vigilance and the Scope 3 Carbon Audit.
Our solution offers you a complete evaluation of your third parties by sending questionnaires and screening databases, whether open data or fee-based.
Eval'tiers, designed in partnership with Verdun Verniole Avocats, also includes consulting services to help you define your third-party assessment policy, formulate your questionnaires and score your third parties to manage validation workflows. Finally, Eval'tiers will support you in deploying the tool within your company and ensuring that operational staff get to grips with it.
Press articles
Evaluation des tiers en mode digital