Évaltiers Collecte de l'information, diagnostic et validation à Paris

Delegation of assessments

Évaltiers Collecte de l'information, diagnostic et validation à Paris  :


As your Eval'tiers environment has been configured according to your third-party assessment policy, you can partially delegate the management of your due diligence to us, with the same rights as an internal assessor.

On the basis of a file containing the information required to create assessments (vigilance or integrity), we create the screening or questionnaire assessments in the tool, launch the assessments and validate them if they do not raise any alerts (these are defined by you when you create the Eval'tiers environment). 
In the event of an alert, we refer the matter to the compliance manager via Eval'tiers' internal workflow for validation review, with the possibility of involving the operational staff at this stage for their opinion. Compliance, like the operational staff concerned, is kept informed in real time of the due diligence work we carry out as part of the delegation, through the information displayed on its dashboard and through access to the third party being assessed.

In all cases, you retain the option of assessing third parties directly, enabling you to split the work between delegated and in-house assessments. 

This delegation, via the Eval'tiers tool, can be total, partial or temporary. It may therefore concern certain subsidiaries or departments which do not have sufficient resources to carry out assessments themselves.


La sécurité de traitement :

 Sécurité et protection des données personnelles

  • est doublement hébergé par OVH et SCALEWAY dont les serveurs sont situés sur le territoire de l’Union Européenne.
  • Chaque client dispose d’un serveur dédié (offre monolocataire) qui renforce la sécurité des données et la capacité d’adapter l’outil à ses besoins.
  • Les données personnelles recueillies sont traitées en conformité avec le RGPD.